Monday, October 13, 2008


Nothing much to report. Still feeling ok, don't have any signs of anything happening yet. The only thing I have noticed is an increase in (sorry for the TMI) cervical mucus, but nothing resembling a mucus plug. Still heading to the bathroom 2-3 times a night, and by the time I wake up it's difficult to move because of the pressure, but then I'm fine. As far as pregnancies go, I know I've been extremely lucky - I've had very little discomfort, and I know by 39 weeks, many women are in agony. Now as long as I don't go into labor on October 16th....


  1. wow, so close but maybe still time left to wait.

    I hope you get action when you want it!

  2. Hey! I asked my midwife about the mucus plug thing. She said she never saw one with any of her own kids she has three. She said some people must lose it during labor and it goes unnoticed. BTW, this is a comment I posted after yours -- i didn't know if you saw it or not.
    "NO WAY!!!! That is so weird! Are you a star wars fan too, or catholic? I’m both, plus our due date is St. Luke’s feast day and he is the patron saint of physicians. (how fitting?) I thought of using Luke Skywalker, but he might hate me for the rest of my life. "

    Since I missed my birthday, now I'm hoping i hold out until Saturday, but please Lord, don't make me have to wait any longer!

  3. Hey! I remember Cervical Mucus! They used to perform at the Pennant East! Did you know that when they disbanded, the drummer and bass player went on to form AfterBirth who sometimes opened for OffSpring - AAAAND they did a one-off gig at LaborPalooza a couple of years ago.
