Saturday, October 11, 2008

39 Weeks

I really am trying to post every day now, even if it's very brief. One week to go....

I walked (waddled) a 5K today - there was no way I was running it! (This 7th annual run/walk was a benefit in honor of three firemen who lost their lives in the line of duty on July 4, 2002) It was a lot of fun because everyone I was with walked it too - DH, my SIL, BIL, 3-month old niece (in stroller) - they even brought their dog! I felt ok - 5k isn't a very far walk, though I haven't been doing nearly as much walking recently. Afterwards, I was rather uncomfortable because of some lower pelvic pressure, which has happened before after I have been exercising.. I then went home and passed for a few hours. I can't believe how tired I was.

Still hoping I hold out until my due date, so I can finish up some last minute things here. However, I really hope I don't go into labor on October 16 - DH has an event to go to where he'll being seeing some close friends that he hasn't seen in years, and I would really hate for him to miss that.

That's it for now...

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