Friday, August 1, 2008

On A Happier Note...

5 years ago today, my friend/co-worker walked into our office, looked at me and announced, "You're a mommy!" Yes, 5 years ago, our little furbabies were born! My friend's cat got outside one day for just a short time and managed to get her herself knocked up, and I agreed to take one of the kittens. I was dating DH at the time and he wanted a cat too, so he took another one of the kittens. DH and I did not live together at the time, but would always take our cats to each other's places, so they pretty much grew up together. Happy birthday, girls! [I really should include a picture of them here, shouldn't I?]

And.....I just heard back from the lab and I passed the lovely 3-hour glucose test - no GD! Now I can eat ice cream this evening (in honor of our kitties' birthday, of course!) guilt-free.

As of tomorrow, only 11 weeks until my due date. I almost can't believe it.


  1. Due date is not too far way - that's great!

  2. yay for passing!

    Post a pic of the furbabies!

  3. Hey! Glad you're back posting! I would LOVE to see your furbabies! Also, congrats on passing the 3-hr. glucose test.

  4. You passed!!! I'm so happy for you and so jealous! Eat away and enjoy yourself! That is a happier note!
