Friday, August 29, 2008

Happy Birthday To My Blog

My blog is one year old today. In honor of my blog's birthday, I present you with this link:

Cake Wrecks

Be careful the next time you order a birthday cake, or any type of cake for that matter! I almost wet myself (not that unusual these days) while reading this site. Be sure to check out the creepy baby shower cakes too. (I hope no one reading this actually had one of those cakes at their baby shower - ooops...)


  1. Well, happy birthday to your blog! I happened on it in search of some online hugs, as my husband and Iare currently deep into infertility treatments. I hope my outcome is as blessed as yours is. (My niece just had a baby 2 weeks ago -- they didn't find out what they were having either! I figured they were the last couple in America not to do so...)

    My friends of course know what I'm going through and one gave me a book, really more of a memoir, of another woman's struggle. It's Tiny Toes and it's a simple, easy to read, and informative account of a very complicated life situation.

    This is a hard place to be and it's comforting to know I'm not alone.

  2. Happy blogoversary!!!

    And that website was hysterical!!!

  3. Happy blog birthday to your blog, Happy blog birthday to your blog, Happy blog BIRTHDAY to your bloooog, Happy blog birthday to your blog.

    I'm off to go look at that site now!

  4. Hi, just a quick note. I'm on my husband's computer, so I couldn't email you under my email address ...anyway, i'm moving my blog to wordpress. a password will be available as soon as I come up with one and when i figure out how to use wordpress. it will be available only to my blog buddies - some things just weren't meant for family and friends to read. email me if you want it. barefoot_lmt at mac dot com.

  5. Happy Blog Birthday!

    I love that website- that one and crack me up!

  6. Hi, I'm checking out my fellow 35+ IF'ers in Mel's (Stirrup) list and found you.

    Hope your pregnancy is progressing well!

    Belated blogoversary!

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