Thursday, May 15, 2008

Hey Readers! (or how to rip off an idea from another Blogger)

I am so totally ripping off this idea from Duck's post.

I'm curious about my readers, though I only recently bothered to install a stat counter on my blog. I figured only about 10 people read this thing, but the counter shows quite a bit more than that! Of course, many people find this blog through old posts by searching for 7dpIUI symptoms and such, and probably don't stay very long. Someone just found me by searching for 'gonal don't feel eggs.' Don't feel eggs? That cracked me up but I gather the person is doing injectibles and thought she would feel more ovarian activity. Anyway, dear readers... who are you?

Do you think my blog sucks, or do you think it's awesome? You can be honest - you won't hurt my feelings. Years of on-line debating has provided me with very thick skin.

Do you find my posts witty, stupid, or somewhere in between?

You probably don't know me in real life.... but if you do, let me know. Then tell me how the hell you found me! (Hi Mike)

Are you reading from work or home?

Are you infertile, super-fertile, or somewhere in between?

How long have you been reading this blog?

Are you from the U.S. or somewhere else?

What would you like to see me post about more, or don't you care?

How long have you been on the Internet? Have you been using the Internet long enough to remember Lynx?

Today I am 17w5d. (am mentioning that mostly for search engine purposes) I feel bloated today (I know you all want to know this!) because I learned, once again, that no matter how hungry I am, if I eat too much at one time it all just seems to sit like a brick on my belly! Hey, speaking of search engines...who remembers when there was no Google?


  1. Do you think my blog sucks, or do you think it's awesome? I like your blog, I just wished you posted more often, which you're now doing. YAY!

    Do you find my posts witty, stupid, or somewhere in between? See above, I love reading your posts.

    Are you reading from work or home? Home

    Are you infertile, super-fertile, or somewhere in between? Sigh, Infertile.

    How long have you been reading this blog? Hmmm, I think since December?

    Are you from the U.S. or somewhere else? U.S. MA

    What would you like to see me post about more, or don't you care? More about your pregnancy.

    How long have you been on the Internet? Have you been using the Internet long enough to remember Lynx? Hmm, since I was 14, so 1995. Don't remember Lynx.

  2. I like your blog too. I found it looking for other people who are pregnant after infertility. I am now pregnant (only 10 weeks) and am having trouble relating to my friends (my sister & my best friend are also pregnant and due at around the same time as me) who got pregnant without even trying. I just feel like the emotions are a little different when you've gone through infertility, so I like reading blogs from people who have been through the same thing.

    To answer the rest of the questions (in rapid succession): I read from home, and have only been reading for a few days. I'm in the USA, the more posts the better, and I've been on the internet since about 1995.

    Thanks for your blog & keep writing!

  3. Do you think my blog sucks, or do you think it's awesome? Yes I love your blog, but, you were a knocked up slacker there for a while, which wasn't so cool, because I had nothing to read!

    Do you find my posts witty, stupid, or somewhere in between? See above.

    Are you reading from work or home? HOme, I'm unemployed so I don't work -but I will be hopefully working soon, just have to move to Toronto

    Are you infertile, super-fertile, or somewhere in between? Is there a super-infertile category - because I fit in there.

    How long have you been reading this blog?
    I dunno - long time, maybe Januaryish,
    Are you from the U.S. or somewhere else?
    I read from Canada, I currently live in the only french province of Canada, Quebec, and I'm moving to Ontario.

    What would you like to see me post about more, or don't you care? More about being knocked up, please.

    How long have you been on the Internet? When I went to university I used the internet on these old terminals - it was black screen green writing email - old lynx system.... and I'm only 30 so my school may have been backwards!

    I loved this idea when I did great idea to steal!
