Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I Will Not Obsess, I Will Not Obsess....

I went to the 24-hour drug store early this morning (as in 5:30am because lazy me -or maybe just full-of-progesterone-me - passed out on the couch early instead of going to the drug store!) to refill my crin.one. Is/has anyone been told to take crino.ne (or prometri.um or suppositories) twice daily in ADDITION to PIO shots? Argh. I was about to start bitching about progestero.ne side effects, (I'm about to start duck taping my chest down) and decided not to because I would rather be in this position and be up to my ears in progestero.ne than the alternative. Anyhoo, I also purchased a huge bottle of prenatal vitamins. I've been taking a daily multivitamin (w/ 100% RDA of folic acid) but decided to switch to the prenatals.

I felt as if I was going to jinx something by buying the BIG bottle, but told myself I was being an idiot. It's just that prior to the early morning CVS run, I of course POAS, and noticed that the line wasn't any darker than yesterday, though it wasn't lighter. Hmm.

Look at me - I've gone from pro-POAS-before-beta to anti-POAS-before-beta to Let's-POAS-every-morning-once-you-get-a-BFP.

I decided to not POAS anymore for right now. However, I am not obsessing about the lack of darkening. (lie lie lie lie) I guess the line just stops getting darker at some point - RIGHT?!?

On another note, if things continue to progress normally, (please please please) I will be due just three months after my SIL, so we'll have kids the same age. I always thought that would totally rule, though I know I'm getting way ahead of myself here.

Is it time for my next beta yet?!


  1. hee hee hee you had your beta. put down the sticks. walk away from the sticks. they are pure evil.evil.

  2. Sounds exactly like me.. haha - I poas every day for a week after my beta to see if it would get darker and to make sure "i was still pregnant". Mine stayed light, never got darker...not sure why.

  3. Step away from the pee sticks....

    Of course, I was never able to take that advice. I POAS every day up until my 3rd double.

    Good luck, I'll be thinking of you

  4. God...that sounds like a lot of progesterone going into you! They stopped my PIO shots when I started the suppositories, but I took Endometrin (may be stronger than Prometrium). No wonder you're pulling out the tape!

  5. Step away from the evil sticks, I repeat step away! ;)

    Your betas are awesome! Great doubling time!

  6. The tests are not made to be compared to each other. They are designed to be qualitative (that is, answer the question -- is there any pregancy hormone there?), not quantitative (answering how much pregnancy hormone is there?) So even thought the amount of hormone may go up, you won't necessarily get a darker line on the next test because they don't carefully control the amount of reactive chemical put in the each test.

    In any case -- congrats and do not read anything into the "darkness" of the test.

  7. Thanks for stopping by and for your good vibes! Congratulations on the great betas, they look beautiful!!!!!

  8. Those pee sticks never lose their addictiveness, do they? Hope the next beta comes soon!

  9. I'm starting to think there is just nothing good about those pee sticks. They don't reassure - they just cause anxiety. They should call them anxiety sticks.
