Monday, February 18, 2008

A Blah Monday

You know, why can't people in the IF world get a break? Please keep Azalea Baby in your thoughts. Her beta did not double over the weekend and she has to wait until Wednesday for her next beta.

I wanted to post a little about the weekend, which was fun, (the Polar Bear plunge was crazy!) but I'm not in the mood at the moment. I had some early a.m. 'fun'. I felt fine last night, and as usual, fell asleep early. I even missed the end of Family Guy! So I passed out on the couch, (I should just get in bed to watch TV - poor DH keeps having to go to bed alone with my recent early-couch-pass-outs) and woke up at 1:30am, and man, was I nauseous!

Warning - TMI coming up...
So I then proceeded to throw up whatever was left in my stomach. I thought 'Oh wow - a pregnancy symptom!' While I wasn't thrilled about being nauseous, I was a happy to have a symptom! Weird, huh? As it turns out, that was not a symptom. I have the stomach flu or a virus or something, because shortly thereafter, the excruciating abdominal pain started. The pain was too high up to be uterine cramping... and then things started flowing out the other end. Unfortunately, that did not relieve the horrible cramps. I was up until about 5:30am, then fell asleep and woke up at 6am with the pain still there! Luckily, things had stopped flowing out of my body. Now I have a fever and the thought of any food makes me want to puke. I am forcing myself to drink water and tea (decaf!), though it's difficult. The pain is till there but has lessened so I did make it into work for a few hours.

Now the pain is lower, so I'm trying not to think about it and not worry about it being a potential problem. But right now, I have pretty bad cramps, right around my uterus. Damn it. I don't want to take Tylen.ol to bring down my fever unless I really have to. Hopefully this is some type of 24 hour thing... and nothing else is wrong.

(edited - I just took one 500mg Tylen.ol. I spoke to my SIL who is a nurse and she said that it's safe, and it's better to bring the fever down)


  1. Sorry you're feeling so horrible! That sucks, but the cramping is kind of normal for some people b/c of growing...take it easy and feel better soon!

  2. Sorry to hear you're feeling sick.
    My RE said I could take Tylenol for headaches (and I did).
    I know what you mean about being happy to think you have a symptom though.
    Feel better soon.

  3. I hope everything is okay. I've always been told by the nurses at our clinic that it is okay to take Tylenol. It's the one piece of advice that I've always gotten consistent answers to.

  4. That sounds like no fun whatsoever! Hope you're feeling much better very soon.

  5. Hope you get to feeling better soon. Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.

  6. I really hope you're feeling better, no more fever or vomiting (unless it's a symptom).

  7. ugh... stomach virus is the worse. I hope you are feeling better.

  8. I hope you're feeling better. I'm nervously awaiting the results of your ultrasound. I hope everything went ok...
