Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Witch Has Arrived

AF arrived - one day later than usual - just enough to give me hope. How stupid of me to be hopeful. I guess it seems odd to think that I would get pregnant unassisted this month (except for progesterone support) but since I ovulate normally, I figured it was possible. Now I start BC pills to gear up for IVF.

I am so pissed off for so many reasons at the moment that I don't have anything else to say right now (though I am almost done the post about acupuncture which I kept promising to write!)

I am off to watch my football team play their last game of the season (they didn't make the playoffs) and try not to start crying suddenly (which has been happening all morning) and get salty tears in my beer.


  1. I'm sorry. Cry into your beer if it makes you feel better...salty things go great with a beer!

  2. 2007 sounds like a hellish year...hopefully your January will bring you what you want. Good luck with everything and cry and drink as much as you can...that's all I did after each of my IUI cycles failed...

  3. I hate it when she lingers just long enough to bring hope!

    Hope 2008 is great for you!

  4. welcome back. I sometimes need a break from writing and reading blogs, too.

    Sorry about af arriving. I'm thinking that 2008 is our year.
