Thursday, March 27, 2008

Quick Hello (and yet another sad story)

First, thanks again for all of your comments. I've been a bit busy and once again have neglected my blog reading /posting and hope catch up by the weekend. (Seems like I say this ever few posts, doesn't it?)

I did read a few blogs this morning and once again, came across horrible news!! Please visit and offer your support. She just lost her twins at 23 weeks. :(

It seems like I'm posting a link to a very sad story every few posts too. Is it me or does it seem like there is a higher incidence of tragedies for those who have struggled with infertility, once they do become pregnant? I know there are many wonderful stories out there, but I don't read that many blogs and this just seems to keep happening! I guess I don't really read pregnancy blogs that aren't related to infertility though. It's just so sad.

I'll be back shortly....


Optimistic said...

I agree. I feel like there is such sad news lately. My heart goes out to everyone on here. It even seems where there is good news, bad news follows. I'm guessing those who have no problems never look on the internet for support or post their experiences, so we only see those who are in need of support.

Maria said...

It has been soooo heartbreaking lately. It also makes me wonder if those of us who struggled with IF also have a higher chance of pregnancy complications. It just really doesn't seem right, after everything we go through.

Ms. J said...

Hey Honey, how're you doing? Just checking in on you.

Springroll said...

Hey there,
I just finished reading her blog and feel so incredibly sad for her...I can't even begin to imagine what she is going through right now. She is exceptionally brave.
I wanted to thank you for listing my blog on your "Other IF sites" section. I have a question for you that I have been meaning to ask for a while - how do you get the link to another blog to show up in the text of a post? I can't figure it out! And - what does it mean when you are tagged? How do you know you have been tagged?
I know, I know - blog virgin!
Hope you and your little bean are well...